Thursday, January 22, 2009


Everyone is invited. Email me if you need more information or would like to come.

Baby Blessing
Baby Teagan will be blessed by his Daddy on Sunday, March 1st 2009 at 1:00pm. Lunch to follow sacrament meeting at the Pemberley Clubhouse.

Tara's going through...
Tara to receive endowments. March 2009. Provo Temple. Specific date TBA.

Green Family Sealing
April 28, 2009, Manti Temple. Details TBA.


Jeff and Lacy said...

Hey Tara, we would love to come to the baby blessing, will you send me some more details.

I love all the pictures of Teagan, he is so cute, I want to come hold him! I didn't get a chance at Kelseigh's blessing since I was sick! We can get together for a play date with our kids...okay so our kids can't play but I need a little baby to hold.

RhettandCass said...

Rhett and I would love to come to the baby blessing on Mar. 1st! I just love little Teag. thanks for having me over the other night. I could just hold him for hours! Our little babies can be friends, they will be pretty close in age. Anyway lets hang again soon! Love you!! xoxoxox

Sara said...

We just got your annoucement today in the mail. It is so cute. You are so great at that sort of thing. We are excited for you guys with everything that is coming up for you. I'm sure we will make it to Teagan's baby blessing, but unfortunately I'm not sure about making it to your sealing which I am REALLY bummed about. That is REALLY close to my due date so I'm not sure I will be able to make it, but hopefully Brock will still be able too! We really couldn't be happier for you guys!

Holly said...

Hey, just got your annoucement in the mail today! I a planning on coming to your sealing but not so sure about everything else. I will let you know as it gets a little closer. Teagan is getting so big already and just as cute as can be!!!

jiners said...

So cute and congrats! The baby annoucement is so cute! We will try and make it to the blessing!