Monday, February 22, 2010

My New Calling

Last night I got a call from the Stake High Council to see if I could meet with them today after church. My new calling is Stake Girl's Camp committee. I was actually really excited because I have ALWAYS wanted to be in Young Women's again and especially Girl's Camp. Plus it's perfect because I can just put my input and help plan since I'm not available a whole lot working and all, not to mention being pregnant. I don't think I will be able to attend camp at all since the baby is due a month before. But, I am really excited to be a part of it!

PS. I posted a few more posts below.


AmbertheGreat said...

congrats!!!! that is awesome, it will be fun to plan - where do you guys go for camp?

Tara Green said...

I just finished catching up on your blog. Thanks for giving me the info so i could log on! It's been forever! I seriously cannot believe how much Teag has grown. He is such a cutie! I just LOVE him! I wanna squeeze him!! Chubby babies are so much fun. Your next little guy is going to be adorable sure of it.I cant wait to see him this summer :) I cant wait to see you soon. I miss you lots and lots.

Tara Green said...

hahaha! sorry i forgot i was logged in as you. This is going to look funny now. lol! this is from Cass! :)

Alanya/Ally said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. I had to laugh!

Hey are you private now? I'm always signed in when I check it but your posts don't ever show on my "recent" list.

BTW, I am so jealous about your calling! I was lucky enough to go to girls camp last year as a steak leader, even though I was in the Primary Presidency. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can go as a ward leader. I was just released from primary (along with the other pres. girls) on Sunday and the YW are going to be needing a replacement for Mia Maid advisor. I keep telling them that is where I want to be but we'll see where the Bishop puts me to work. I'm sure it won't take long before I'm a nobody.