Yesterday we had one of the least busy Christmases I've ever had. Usually my Christmas consists of running around all day long starting at 830am when we go over to Grandma's for our famous Christmas breakfast, then over to my Dad's then to my mom's then to my other grandparents and then back to my mom's and then back over to my grandma's for the other grand kids that weren't there earlier to open presents, etc, etc... This is just MY side of the family too. It's crazy when you have divorced parents and when most everyone lives clot to you.
So far, I haven't had to add Jeremy's family into the mix yet because this year we just stayed at home. With a new baby, we didn't want to take him out and risk being held and touched too much; especially during the RSV season. So, we just told everyone if they wanted to see us, they could come over.
We had people trickling over as the day went by and my mom and Jason came over for dinner. We needed help eating all the food that people had brought to us this week, so that was our Christmas dinner. In one day we had a FULL turkey dinner with cheese potatoes, stuffing, corn, rolls and pie along with someone elses roast, potatoes, carrots and cake, along with someone elses mexican casserole and then spaghetti and garlic bread and chilli and corn bread AND chicken noodles soup and croissants. Whoa! Did I mention that it all came with in the same 24 hours. lol It was yummy and we are so thankful to those who were thoughtful and spent time to make us a meal and bring it over... especially over the holidays. I know it meant a lot to us and especially to my mom who wasn't feeling well and couldn't spend that much time around the baby (as not to get him sick).
I think I had a touch of baby blues yesterday too because I was really emotional and didn't seem happy about anything. Luckily I'm feeling better today.
Anyway, I'm a bad mom. I didn't even take pictures of my kids first Christmas. :( I'm going to blame that on the post partum though. Next year will be much more fun. I hope everyone else had a very Merry Christmas!
1 comment:
Thanks for letting us come over for Christmas dinner. That was such a big help that I didn't have to cook. Thanks to everyone that brought food over to Tara and Jeremy we enjoyed all the food. mmmm it was good.
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