Thursday, December 18, 2008

The contractions have started

Right after I posted the last blog post at 1:30am, contractions started at about 2:30 and have gone on all day today and were about 8 minutes apart until 11 am, but then became spaced out and irregular. So, I feel like we are just waiting to see if things progress any more or if this is a sign that it's just days away.

PS. My home remedy secret is "Thyme" essential oil on the stomach. When I was at ForeverGreen I learned a lot about essential oils therapy and this was one of the things they said you could use to help start contractions. I'm kind of nerdy when it comes to herbal supplements and vitamins. I've learned a lot from the companies I worked for the last 11 years. I have a closet full of something to take for anything. Tell me whats wrong and I'll give you a remedy. :) When Jeremy first married me he was always like, "What witch doctor stuff are you doing to me now?"


heath.sarah said...

Use primrose oil too. Call me for instructions 940-766-6864

The Springers said...

I know he is here! POST SOME PICS.. Congrats you guys he is beautiful!