Not only did I make it to the Sand Dunes this weekend but I managed to make it home in time to paint my house. :) Jim and Shanda (and Ashlynn) came over to help me get started and my mom came over to help me get finished up for the night.
Here's a picture of the accent wall I painted in the kitchen. It's Ralph Lauren, Pomegranite Red.
We painted the tallest wall in the living room to be Ralph Lauren, Suede Brown. It really does look like suede. It looks awesome. I bought so much paint that I have enough left over to paint all 3 of the bedrooms and both of the bathrooms. Hopefully I can find roommates to live with me soon. :( Here's a pic of the Living room. You have to be here to get the whole effect though.
CALLING--- Also, I got a calling today in my ward. Next week they will sustain me and set me apart to be on the Enrichment committee. I was Enrichment Leader for a year 1/2 when we were having some sort of enrichment night every other week, I had mostly "less" active people on my committee and I was working full time and taking 13 credit hours at school. So, being on the committee and only having enrichment every quarter should be a piece of cake.
Your place looks great!
TARA! You have got to get some new posts up. This is killing me!
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